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Dylan Rothfeld

CG and Software Design

Personal Details:

Birth                    June 29, 1994

Phone                 (530) 354-6812




BA. Computer Science

University of Califorina, Santa Cruz

          Studies focussed on computational theory and 3D graphical

          design. Dean’s Honor List 2012(Fall, Winter, Spring).

          GPA: 3.27. Units completed: 183.5


Work Experience:

3D Animator, Data, and Touch Up Artist [2016-Present]

Apple Inc.

          Learned and applied new software to create and improve                   attractive 3D environments. Designed 3D Flyover City Tours.             3D Modeling. Geospatial Analysis and Data correction.                         Training new hires.


3D Video Game Artist [2015-Present]

Blue Drop Games

          Responsible for mesh design of environmental, character,                 and structural game objects. 3D modeling done in Blender,               original texture design done in Substance Painter 2. Testing             of game objects done in Unreal 4.


3D Physics Simulation Demo Assistant [Summer 2016]

Christopher Yonge

          Working alongside university lecturer Christopher Yonge to               develop a series of physics simulation demo files for students           learning the 3D modeling software Blender.


Tutor & Grader for University Courses [2014-2016]

University of Califorina, Santa Cruz

          Managing weekly labs to provide students help with                             programming assignments and lab-work. Grading of                             programming assignments, labs, and final examinations.
          Courses: CMPS 5J, CMPS 11, CMPM 25, CMPM 26



Programming Langauges: 

          Python, Java, Javascript, C, Objective C, Unix, HTML, CSS, XML



          LATEX, Blender, Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects,               Xcode, Android Studio, Unity, Unreal 4, Autodesk Fusion 360,                  Substance Painter 2, ArcGIS, Google SketchUp, Microsoft Office


© 2016 Dylan Rothfeld - 3D Modeling & Game Design

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